Why the Name of Christ AhnSahngHong?
Whenever I tell people that the name of second coming Christ is Christ AhnSahngHong, they automatically look at me in bewilderment..."why that name? I thought his name was still going to be Jesus? Why does He have an Asian name?" Ok, so I understand the name is unfamiliar and new but we should see through the Bible why is it that Church of God World Mission Society strongly believes in the name of Christ AhnSahngHong.
Acts 4:10 Then know this you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but God raised from the dead that this man stands before you healed."
2,000 years ago the disciples had to explain that Jesus was the savior b/c no one had ever heard his Name before. They were all used to the name of Jehovah. Nowadays, no one has to proclaim the name of Jesus Christ because every Christian in the world believes in that name. But let's see how they reacted at that time.
Acts 4:18 Then they called them in again and commanded them not to speak or teach in the name of Jesus. But Peter replied " Judge for yourselves whether it is right to obey you rather than God."
2,000 years ago nobody wanted to hear the name of Jesus Christ even though it was the new name of the savior at that time. Why? well, only the old testament was written and the name of Jesus was never actually written in the old testament. But somehow the disciples had such strong faith even though people stoned them and threatened to kill them. They knew that Jesus was the One who had fulfilled all the prophecies in the Old Testament. As crazy as it sounds if you called out the name of Jesus 2,000 years ago, people would look at you like you had five heads! The disciples were crucified and beheaded for the name of Jesus! Would you be so bold as to proclaim the name of Jesus during that time?
The Bible testifies that Second Coming Christ will come from the East, from a far off land.
Is 46:8 Remember this, fix it in mind. Take it to heart, you rebels....Iam God....I say: My purpose will stand and I will do ALL that I please. From the East I summon a bird of prey: from a far off-land a man to fulfill My purpose.
If you look at in the dictionary a bird of prey is an eagle. In Ex19:3 God compares himself to an Eagle. Then clearly this is a prophecy about God coming from the East as a Man. But where was Isaiah when He wrote this prophecy? He was in Israel. Then could he be talking about first coming Christ if he is saying He has to come East of Israel and from a far off land? Obviously Not! God even starts the verse telling us to fix it in our minds and that He will do what He pleases, not what pleases us!
In Rev 7:1 while apostle John was on the island of Patmos (Rev 1:9) He also saw God coming from the East. Here's whats amazing. If you look at a globe and draw your finger from Patmos( an island off Greece) directly across to the farthest land, it lands in S. Korea. Some people say its Japan, but God said Land not island.
In Is 42:2-3 It says that second coming Christ is going to come at a place his feet have not traveled before! Again Isaiah says he will be coming from the East. Then that definately rules out Israel since He's been there before! That verse really got me. I thought that second Coming Christ was supposed to come from israel again. Man, was i wrong! So lets think logically then. If He's coming from South Korea should have a name like John Smith? Or maybe a Jewish name again? Obviously not! He has to have a Korean name. And that name is Christ AhnsahngHong!
Ok, now you may be able to see why its a Korean name...but that still may raise questions why is it specifically Him who Church of God believes in? I guess I'll keep you posted about the sign He must bring....
Posted in:
Sunday, November 25, 2007
9:15 PM
Christ Ahnsahnghong is prophesised everywhere in the bible. I do not want to deny anymore but believe that Christ Ahnsahnghong is true almight God who came to bring salvation
It is amazing that we know our God, and many people don't know who they worship. We know Christ AhnSahngHong and Mother because of Them, and we pray to Them because They gave us life!!
Jesus himself said that he will give us his new name. Obviously he is going to have a new name I had never seen this before but when I did it made sense. If God says he is going to come from the east in the flesh then he should have an eastern name shouldn't he? I just believe what is written in the bible and thats why I believe in the new name of Jesus Christ AhnSahngHong
To tell you the truth, when I began to study In the Church Of God the name scared me alot.
But once I studied more I knew that only the true Church can have these teachings. Only the second comming Christ can show us this truth, and he is Christ AhnSahngHong!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree, now its so easy to call the name Jesus since everyone does it. Its like a fab! If people had faith in THE Jesus they would accept him even if he comes with a different name. 2,000 yrs ago it was so hard to believe or even speak his name. So it makes sense for him to come a Second Time and people have a hard time with his new name. However, its the name given for our salvation, it is Christ Ahnsahnghong.
I had the same feeling when i heard the name of Ahnsahnghong while singing a song in the Church of God World Mission Society. I immediately left the church and did not want to continue to study. But im so glad Father Christ Ahsahnghong let me return and study all the prophecies Christ Ahnsahnghong fulfilled. He is true God Almighty!
So many people believe Jesus Christ but nobody pays attention what he said.
Jesus Christ said he’ll come again with new name but how many people know the new name of Jesus Christ?
Do they even know Jesus Christ has another name, new name?
Open the Bible, and study the Bible before you judge something.
I really give thanks to 2nd Coming Christ, Christ Ahnsanghone to allow me know the new name of Jesus Christ.
When I studied about the Savior's Name in Each Age, I was so eager to know the new name of Christ, the Holy Spirit's name. However, when I learned it, it didn't hit me like I thought it would. I instead questioned w/ the rest of my family. But thru studying the prophecies of the Bible I came to know that it's right, His name should be Christ Ahnsahnghong. Even the meaning of His name says it all! Now I love the name of the Holy Spirit, Christ Ahnsahnghong! :D