Teachings of Christ AhnSahngHong
So I decided to go to the mall today thinking that it wouldn't be packed since it was already after 9:00pm. But when I got there it was a madhouse! Then I thought, why is it so busy on a Monday night? Ohhhh, now I remember. Its that time of the year again where everyone is doing their Christmas shopping! Tis the season to be jolly, right? Hmm, I used to think that way. Until I came to Church of God World Mission Society and learned what Christmas was really all about.
Here' s some interesting info I found in a book called " The Christian Calendar"
"The strongest reason for the choice of this date in the Western Church,however, was doubtless because of the pagan association of the day and the desire of the Church to persuade people to replace these by Christian observances. In Rome, 25 December was the feast of the birth of the Unconquered Sun, which commemorated the winter solstice, when the days began to get lighter. The Church replaced this celebration of the birth of the ' Sun of Righteousness' and the coming of the ' Light of the World." The festivities accompanying Christmas are also thought to come from another pagan Roman festival held mid-December."
So, while the whole world is celebrating Christmas and most Christians are under the impression that they are celebrating the "birth" of Jesus Christ, they are really celebrating the birth of the Sun God! Ok, Constantine tricked people into worshipping God on Sunday, which made us inadvertently worship the sun god, and now people are commemorating his birthday! Although some people say that its ok to celebrate Jesus' birthday on Christmas as long as were remembering him lets see what God says....
Dt 12:31 You must not worship the LORD you God in Their way."
Clearly God distinguishes between His way, and the peoples way. Who's way should we follow?
I know I want to follow God's way!
Amos 5:21 I despise your religious feasts. I cannot stand your assemblies."
Why does God say Your assemblies? Because they are not God's assemblies! Besides this, there is so much more about Christmas but not enough time to write it all..We easily follow a holiday that we had no idea about just because someone told us it was about Christ...Then what about the true teaching of God? How much more should we listen to the truth! Christ AhnSahngHong, second coming Christ, came in this last age to reveal to His children the truth and to turn away from the lies we have been following. Please, if you want to follow correctly then study about Christ AhnSahngHong through the Bible!
Posted in:
Monday, December 3, 2007
8:45 PM
This is all true, the whole world is being despised by all these religious celebration that are false. They are not in the Bible, if you read it, you will not find a single text about this, however, Sabbath, Passover, the 7 Feast of God are there. Too bad that no one keeps them, that's why Christ Ahnsahnghong has to come to show them to us, so that we can be saved and not destroyed. Believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong
This reminds me of the verse where God says friendship w/ the world is hatred towards God. The whole world follows Christmas, a day dedicated 2, in actuality, Satan. But they scrutinize Church of God World Mission Society for keeping God's true feasts?! No way! I'd rather be a part of the minority in this matter and follow Christ Ahnsahnghong 2 heaven!
how is it that all of the "church" teaching tha everyone follows traces back to PAGAN ROMAN traditions of sun-god worship!?? scary how false teaching just slip into everyday life..
wow i never knew that about Christmas... thats amazing to know this truth! God blessed us so much to let us know! and also to let us keep the 7 feasts that are for eternal life is so awsome! and what is more that Christ Ahnsahnghong gave us this truth... WOW!
Yea its so sad that people blindly follow the customs and traditions of man. Thanks to Christ Ahnsahnghong and Mother New Jerusalem that we are able to see the truth! Only through the Feast of GOD can we have eternal life and enter the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN!