Why the Name of Christ AhnSahngHong?

Whenever I tell people that the name of second coming Christ is Christ AhnSahngHong, they automatically look at me in bewilderment..."why that name? I thought his name was still going to be Jesus? Why does He have an Asian name?" Ok, so I understand the name is unfamiliar and new but we should see through the Bible why is it that Church of God World Mission Society strongly believes in the name of Christ AhnSahngHong.

Acts 4:10 Then know this you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but God raised from the dead that this man stands before you healed."

2,000 years ago the disciples had to explain that Jesus was the savior b/c no one had ever heard his Name before. They were all used to the name of Jehovah. Nowadays, no one has to proclaim the name of Jesus Christ because every Christian in the world believes in that name. But let's see how they reacted at that time.

Acts 4:18 Then they called them in again and commanded them not to speak or teach in the name of Jesus. But Peter replied " Judge for yourselves whether it is right to obey you rather than God."

2,000 years ago nobody wanted to hear the name of Jesus Christ even though it was the new name of the savior at that time. Why? well, only the old testament was written and the name of Jesus was never actually written in the old testament. But somehow the disciples had such strong faith even though people stoned them and threatened to kill them. They knew that Jesus was the One who had fulfilled all the prophecies in the Old Testament. As crazy as it sounds if you called out the name of Jesus 2,000 years ago, people would look at you like you had five heads! The disciples were crucified and beheaded for the name of Jesus! Would you be so bold as to proclaim the name of Jesus during that time?

The Bible testifies that Second Coming Christ will come from the East, from a far off land.

Is 46:8 Remember this, fix it in mind. Take it to heart, you rebels....Iam God....I say: My purpose will stand and I will do ALL that I please. From the East I summon a bird of prey: from a far off-land a man to fulfill My purpose.

If you look at in the dictionary a bird of prey is an eagle. In Ex19:3 God compares himself to an Eagle. Then clearly this is a prophecy about God coming from the East as a Man. But where was Isaiah when He wrote this prophecy? He was in Israel. Then could he be talking about first coming Christ if he is saying He has to come East of Israel and from a far off land? Obviously Not! God even starts the verse telling us to fix it in our minds and that He will do what He pleases, not what pleases us!

In Rev 7:1 while apostle John was on the island of Patmos (Rev 1:9) He also saw God coming from the East. Here's whats amazing. If you look at a globe and draw your finger from Patmos( an island off Greece) directly across to the farthest land, it lands in S. Korea. Some people say its Japan, but God said Land not island.

In Is 42:2-3 It says that second coming Christ is going to come at a place his feet have not traveled before! Again Isaiah says he will be coming from the East. Then that definately rules out Israel since He's been there before! That verse really got me. I thought that second Coming Christ was supposed to come from israel again. Man, was i wrong! So lets think logically then. If He's coming from South Korea should have a name like John Smith? Or maybe a Jewish name again? Obviously not! He has to have a Korean name. And that name is Christ AhnsahngHong!

Ok, now you may be able to see why its a Korean name...but that still may raise questions why is it specifically Him who Church of God believes in? I guess I'll keep you posted about the sign He must bring....

AhnSahngHong...True or False?

Ever Since I started studying at Church Of God World Mission Society I have noticed that many people who do not know much about the Church are quick to speak against it. Because at first, I wasn't firm in my faith I started to doubt a little. Are the teachings of Church of God truly the ones God wants us to follow or are the teaching of other Christian Churches like Sunday and Communion the correct teachings? So I had to see for myself through the Bible.

The Church of God World Mission Society teaches that the Sabbath Day is the seventh Day and that we should worship on this day in order to be Holy. Of Course, when I spoke to other people they told me that this day was abolished when Jesus was crucified and now we have to worship on Sunday. But what would they say about this verse:

MT: 5:17 Do Not Think that I have Come to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I have not come to Abolish them but to fulfill them.

Also in Mt 12:8 it says: For the Son of Man, is the Lord of the Sabbath.

Then the Bible clearly testifies that Jesus Christ didn't come to get rid of the Sabbath but to fulfill it and even kept the Sabbath Himself( Lk 4:16)

But then I've heard " But Jesus is my Lord everyday..It doesnt matter if we keep the Sabbath or Sunday. It is the same as long as I am worshipping God."

Even though in Ex 31:12 God commands us to keep the Sabbath day because it is Holy, maybe this person is right. Just as long as I'm worshipping God, it shouldn't matter what day I worship on, right?

Ez 22:26 Her priests do violence to my law and profane my holy things; they do not distinguish between the holy and the common: they teach that there is no difference between the unclean and the clean; and they shut their eyes to the keeping of my Sabbaths, so that I am profaned among them.

Wow, in this verse God is saying that people cannot distinguish between a common day(Sunday) and Holy day( Sabbath Ex 20:8) so that God is profaned among them. Then it really does matter what day we worship God. And that day should be the Sabbath, the seventh day of the week, Saturday.

Ok, So I saw through the Bible the Sabbath is correct and NOT Sunday. Besides, in Dan 7:25 God already prophesied that His set times and Laws would be changed which happened in 325 A.D. by Roman emperor Constantine. God said that the one who does this will Speak against the Most High..Then if we are following the traditions that Constantine taught, then what are we doing? We are going Against God! Isn't the whole point of being Christian to follow God and Not go against Him?

So another teaching the Church of God strongly enforces is to keep the Passover. And they also believe that Christ AhnsahngHong brought back the Passover back and that he is God Almighty. Because I had studied about Jesus's second coming I saw through the bible that Christ AhnSahngHong is truly the second coming Christ who came in the flesh. But then why do so many people celebrate communion and say that we need not celebrate the Passover. Oh, and they also slander the name of Christ AhnSahngHong who They claim cannot be God.

In Jer 31:31 it says : The Time is coming," declares the Lord, "when I will make a New Covenant..."

Luke 22:20 In the Same way after the supper he took the cup, saying " This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you." Jesus Christ said this on Passover over night( Luke 22:13) So clearly the Passover is the New Covenant. But according to Jer 31:31 only the LORD HIMSELF can make the new covenant.

After Passover was abolished in 325 a.d. Christ AhnSahngHong is the Only One who brought back the new covenant Passover. Then that would make Him who? THE LORD! The Bible never mentions that the new covenant is Communion. But it does say in Rev 22:18 that NO ONE should add or take away from the Bible. But Constantine Added Communion and took AWAY Passover...

So the people at my job or my family who tried to argue with me that Passover doesn't have to be kept finally agreed that it does. But the one person said to me " Whether, its communion or Passover, whatever you call it, it's ok ..as long as you are partaking in the Body of Blood of Jesus."

Dt 13:1 If a prophet or dreamer says " Let us follow other gods" and let us worship them..you must not listen to words of the prophet or the dreamer."

You're probably wondering why I would bring up this verse. Well in Ex 12:12 it says that on Passover night God will destroy all other Gods. Then if we don't celebrate Passover we follow other Gods which God clearly said Not to do. Then if we celebrate communion which was also instituted my Constantine, we come to follow the Sun god ( Who by the way, was his favorite god)

I don't know about you but i definitely don't want to follow the sun god! Then i don't care that people say I can celebrate Communion and Sunday because it is the same as keeping Sabbath or Passover and it doesn't matter which we keep. I know what's correct through the Bible! And I know that Christ AhnSahngHong brought all these true teaching then He Himself is also True!

I dont have time to tell you about the discussion I had about the traditions of Christmas, Easter, Cross reverence,etc....but I will keep you updated...

Does Mother God really exist?

One day I came to Church Of God on a Sabbath (now that I had learned that Saturday was the correct day to worship, not Sunday) and I heard something that sounded a little strange. It was one of the members saying " Thank Father and Mother". My first thought was "huh?" I know that God is our Father...But who is the one they're referring to as Mother?

But I decided not to write it off just yet...since everything I studied up until that point was true. And besides, I was extremely curious about it. So when I came one day to study, one of the teachers told me I would study about Abraham's family. I was like "ok, what could this be about?" I had heard about Abraham in other churches as being one of the forefathers of our faith, but what significance did studying about his family have?

In Luke 16:19, Jesus spoke a parable about a rich man and a beggar name Lazarus, which I had also read about before. Then after i read the parable, the teacher asked me " Is there anything you notice strange about this parable?" And I thought nothing in particular was strange. But then I read it again and saw that when Lazarus died and went to heaven he went to Abraham's side. Also, the rich man had called out to "Father Abraham."

Why did he go to Abraham's side instead of God's? In Mt:23:9 it says that we shouldn't call anyone on earth Father except God. Then the parable started to confuse me. Doesnt it seem a little contradictory that God would say not to call anyone but God "Father" but then mentions that Abraham was called Father?

But God doesnt make mistakes...and then I remembered that parables have hidden meanings Mt 13:34. Ohh I get it, Abraham represents Father God. Ok so now I understood that we'd be studying about Abraham's family so that I can understand more about God's family.

Gen 15:4 is about Abraham speaking to God. He is old and age and wants to give his estate over to someone but has not children. So he is going to give his estate to Eliezer, his servant. But God tells him no, that a son coming from his own body will be his heir. But Abraham's wife Sarah, is barren. So she gives him her maidservannt, Hagar, and she conceives a child for him named Ishmael.Gen 16:15

Ok, so Ishmael will receive his estate..( Im starting to lose the whole point of this) But in Gen:18-20 God tells Abraham that Ishmael will not inherit the estate but God will cause Sarah to have a son Isaac and HE will be the heir. Im so confused, I thought in Israel the firstborn inherits everything...But obviously God wrote this for a reason. Why did God choose Isaac and not Ishmael?

Let's see...the only difference was that Ishmael was born from Hagar, a slave woman and Isaac came from Sarah a free women, also Abraham's wife. Hmm, why is the woman the decisive factor here? And what does this all have to do with me? These were the questions that ran through my head...

Then they reminded me that Abraham represents God, his estate represents God's estate better known as the Kingdom of Heaven. Wow, so basically this was showing me how I can enter the Kingdom of Heaven! Then what is the key factor that would allow me to receive God's estate? Gal 4:21:26 This speaks about Hagar and Sarah.....Gal 4:26 But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother. Whoaa...we have a Mother God? We have a Mother God! Also it clicked..If Abraham represents Father God, then his wife Sarah should represent Mother God! Because Isaac was born through Sarah, he was able to receive the inheritance. Although Ishmael was the firstborn, he could not. Then it is not Father God that determines if we can receive the Kingdom of Heaven but Mother God...

Gal 4:28 Now you brothers like Isaac, are children of promise. Then I realized we have to be like Isaac, children of the free woman, our Heavenly Mother, in order to receive eternal life.

So after that I found myself also saying "thank Father and Mother" who would have thought!

Christ AhnSahngHong really revealed all of the mysteries in the Bible, and even let us know the key factor to entering the kingdom of Heaven, Our Heavenly Mother!

So I thought this has got to be the most major study...I mean, this one was really intense and shocking but I heard something about studying Heavenly Wedding Banquet...Hmm, I wonder what that one is about? Till next time.....


After learning a little about Melchizedek, I couldn't stop thinking about it. So i came back the next day to learn the rest. So this time I wrote down the verses because I really wanted to know why they firmly believed AhnSahngHong was the second coming Christ.

I saw through the Bible that the One who fulfills the order of Melchizedek has to come from Korea because that was the only country that had no Jewish Blood. Even a history book backed it up saying that it was known as the "hermit Kingdom" they never let other blood mix with theirs. I also remember that he has to come from an unbeliever's home. Whats amazing is that the same night I had to leave, I had a history class and we watched a video. I learned that until recently Korea had three main religions: Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucism. Christ AhnSahngHong was born in 1918 when only these religions existed. Then his parents must not have been believers in God! Wow, ok then what about other men born in Korea at the time?

Here's when they showed me the sign which I was eagerly anticipating...Since Melchizedek blessed with Bread and Wine then second coming Christ has to bless with bread and wine..Then he has to bring Passover! No one in Korea or in the world brought Passover except for Christ AhnSahngHong. Wow! I guess he is really second coming Christ in the order of Melchizedek! But there was still one more verse. I thought, what else do I need to see? Ive never seen anything like this in the Bible before. Actually, many people don't even know who Melchizedek was!

Then they showed me Is 25:6-9:
On this mountain the Lord Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food and a banquet of aged wine-the best of meats and the finest of wines. On this mountain he will destroy the shroud that enfolds all peoples, the sheet that covers all nations; He will swallow up death forever. Is 25:9 In that day they will say, "surely this is our God."

Wait a minute...this verse is talking about God Almighty preparing the Passover. Jesus Christ brought Passover but 2,000 years ago so this cant be talking about Him because its talking about the last days. Then it dawned on me...Christ AhnSahngHong brought the Passover nowadays...Then he must be the LORD ALMIGHTY! Ok, now i know why they praise the name of Christ AhnSahngHong..Because he is GOD!

So then I asked what is tis mountain that Bible speaks of where God will prepare Passover? Then they told me that I needed to study Who Established Zion....all I can
say is I can't wait! I will definitely post my comments on that one....


Church of God praises the name of Christ AhnSahngHong and believes that He is God but as for me, I had to be sure that I was in the right church so i decided to study more and ask several questions.

After I studied that second coming Christ had to come in the Flesh again, I had to agree. But I wasn't completely convinced that the one they called Christ AhnsahngHong was the second coming Christ...and why does he have an Asian name?

Ok, so in Isaiah 46:11 It does say that God will come as a man from the East. It also says a far off land. When i checked the globe I saw that Korea was the farthest land. Now a million questions are running through my head? I thought Christ was going to come again to Israel, so why Korea? I mean its one of the smallest most unknown countries in the world.

Then I studied about Melchizedek..I know what you're probably thinking..who is this ? Well I couldn't even pronounce his name let alone knew who he was. So then I read a little about him in the book of Gen 14:18. He blessed Abraham with Bread and wine. Ok so now I'm starting to see a little correlation to Jesus Christ since he blessed his disciples with bread and wine Matt 26:26. Ok, so Jesus is supposed to be Melchizedek then where does Christ AhnSahngHong come in to this?

Then they showed me Heb 7:1 " This Melchizedek was without father or mother and without genealogy."

Imagine what I was thinking at this point. Who on Earth can be born without father or mother? Once again they turned to another verse in the Bible Mt:12:50 Jesus Christ said here that father and mother meant to have believing parents. Then without father or mother means to have unbelieving parents....Ok, still very confused. Then they asked me if Jesus had believing parents and i said " yea, of course Mary and Joseph believed in God.

So, I guess second coming Christ has to come from parents that do not believe in God. What is genealogy then? I studied that genealogy meant to come from the 12 tribes of Israel. I didn't have to look any further than Mt 1:1 to see that Jesus had genealogy. Besides i kind of knew that Jesus was born Jewish.

Ok so now I'm completely confused! Jesus is supposed to be this Melchizedek person but he didnt fufill either of these two conditions! Then they showed me that in Heb 9:27 Christ has to come again to fulfill these conditions. They told me that Christ AhnSahngHong was born in 1918 in Korea when no one believed in Christianity. And also Korea was the only country that had no Jewish blood so that means he had no genealogy....

Then that means that a number of men born around that time could have claimed they were second coming Christ in the order of Melchizedek! Then why specifically Christ AhnSahngHong? They were about to show me the sign that proved he is definitely Melchizedek when I saw the time and realized I had to go to class...(to be continued)