AhnSahngHong...True or False?
Ever Since I started studying at Church Of God World Mission Society I have noticed that many people who do not know much about the Church are quick to speak against it. Because at first, I wasn't firm in my faith I started to doubt a little. Are the teachings of Church of God truly the ones God wants us to follow or are the teaching of other Christian Churches like Sunday and Communion the correct teachings? So I had to see for myself through the Bible.
The Church of God World Mission Society teaches that the Sabbath Day is the seventh Day and that we should worship on this day in order to be Holy. Of Course, when I spoke to other people they told me that this day was abolished when Jesus was crucified and now we have to worship on Sunday. But what would they say about this verse:
MT: 5:17 Do Not Think that I have Come to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I have not come to Abolish them but to fulfill them.
Also in Mt 12:8 it says: For the Son of Man, is the Lord of the Sabbath.
Then the Bible clearly testifies that Jesus Christ didn't come to get rid of the Sabbath but to fulfill it and even kept the Sabbath Himself( Lk 4:16)
But then I've heard " But Jesus is my Lord everyday..It doesnt matter if we keep the Sabbath or Sunday. It is the same as long as I am worshipping God."
Even though in Ex 31:12 God commands us to keep the Sabbath day because it is Holy, maybe this person is right. Just as long as I'm worshipping God, it shouldn't matter what day I worship on, right?
Ez 22:26 Her priests do violence to my law and profane my holy things; they do not distinguish between the holy and the common: they teach that there is no difference between the unclean and the clean; and they shut their eyes to the keeping of my Sabbaths, so that I am profaned among them.
Wow, in this verse God is saying that people cannot distinguish between a common day(Sunday) and Holy day( Sabbath Ex 20:8) so that God is profaned among them. Then it really does matter what day we worship God. And that day should be the Sabbath, the seventh day of the week, Saturday.
Ok, So I saw through the Bible the Sabbath is correct and NOT Sunday. Besides, in Dan 7:25 God already prophesied that His set times and Laws would be changed which happened in 325 A.D. by Roman emperor Constantine. God said that the one who does this will Speak against the Most High..Then if we are following the traditions that Constantine taught, then what are we doing? We are going Against God! Isn't the whole point of being Christian to follow God and Not go against Him?
So another teaching the Church of God strongly enforces is to keep the Passover. And they also believe that Christ AhnsahngHong brought back the Passover back and that he is God Almighty. Because I had studied about Jesus's second coming I saw through the bible that Christ AhnSahngHong is truly the second coming Christ who came in the flesh. But then why do so many people celebrate communion and say that we need not celebrate the Passover. Oh, and they also slander the name of Christ AhnSahngHong who They claim cannot be God.
In Jer 31:31 it says : The Time is coming," declares the Lord, "when I will make a New Covenant..."
Luke 22:20 In the Same way after the supper he took the cup, saying " This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you." Jesus Christ said this on Passover over night( Luke 22:13) So clearly the Passover is the New Covenant. But according to Jer 31:31 only the LORD HIMSELF can make the new covenant.
After Passover was abolished in 325 a.d. Christ AhnSahngHong is the Only One who brought back the new covenant Passover. Then that would make Him who? THE LORD! The Bible never mentions that the new covenant is Communion. But it does say in Rev 22:18 that NO ONE should add or take away from the Bible. But Constantine Added Communion and took AWAY Passover...
So the people at my job or my family who tried to argue with me that Passover doesn't have to be kept finally agreed that it does. But the one person said to me " Whether, its communion or Passover, whatever you call it, it's ok ..as long as you are partaking in the Body of Blood of Jesus."
Dt 13:1 If a prophet or dreamer says " Let us follow other gods" and let us worship them..you must not listen to words of the prophet or the dreamer."
You're probably wondering why I would bring up this verse. Well in Ex 12:12 it says that on Passover night God will destroy all other Gods. Then if we don't celebrate Passover we follow other Gods which God clearly said Not to do. Then if we celebrate communion which was also instituted my Constantine, we come to follow the Sun god ( Who by the way, was his favorite god)
I don't know about you but i definitely don't want to follow the sun god! Then i don't care that people say I can celebrate Communion and Sunday because it is the same as keeping Sabbath or Passover and it doesn't matter which we keep. I know what's correct through the Bible! And I know that Christ AhnSahngHong brought all these true teaching then He Himself is also True!
I dont have time to tell you about the discussion I had about the traditions of Christmas, Easter, Cross reverence,etc....but I will keep you updated...
Posted in:
Thursday, November 15, 2007
10:02 PM
true or false? there is not way that Christ Ahnsahnghong is not God. he established all the true from the bible in these days, but only God himself can do that. He is amazing!!!!!!!!!!! He is our Savior!!!!!!!!!
I makes me so sad because I have so many friends and family that are following all those traditions made by man. I told them what I've been learning so far about Christ Ahnsahnghong and Passover but they don't see and they don't hear. I asked the missionary why? And she showed me the verse in Matt 13:11 [The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven have been given to you and not to them...though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand] Christ Ahnsahnghong opened my eyes and ears to hear the true words of God. I can't wait to study more!!!
It's a good thing you went and studied for yourself, rather than listening to the comments of those who didn't even study yet. Everyone should actually follow this way. So many people slander Father Ahnsahnghong's name without even giving Church of God World Mission Society a chance to show him through the Bible. But that's good that you continue to study the truth through the Bible rather than follow people's opinions and traditions.
Like another sister said, "The proof is in the prophecy!"
We all fulfill the parable of the prodigal son, rebelling against our parents and then coming back to them in shame.
How could we ever doubt for a second?!? Just like you, I realized after studying that Christ AhnSahngHong and Jerusalem Mother are the saviors in this age!