Does Mother God really exist?
One day I came to Church Of God on a Sabbath (now that I had learned that Saturday was the correct day to worship, not Sunday) and I heard something that sounded a little strange. It was one of the members saying " Thank Father and Mother". My first thought was "huh?" I know that God is our Father...But who is the one they're referring to as Mother?
But I decided not to write it off just yet...since everything I studied up until that point was true. And besides, I was extremely curious about it. So when I came one day to study, one of the teachers told me I would study about Abraham's family. I was like "ok, what could this be about?" I had heard about Abraham in other churches as being one of the forefathers of our faith, but what significance did studying about his family have?
In Luke 16:19, Jesus spoke a parable about a rich man and a beggar name Lazarus, which I had also read about before. Then after i read the parable, the teacher asked me " Is there anything you notice strange about this parable?" And I thought nothing in particular was strange. But then I read it again and saw that when Lazarus died and went to heaven he went to Abraham's side. Also, the rich man had called out to "Father Abraham."
Why did he go to Abraham's side instead of God's? In Mt:23:9 it says that we shouldn't call anyone on earth Father except God. Then the parable started to confuse me. Doesnt it seem a little contradictory that God would say not to call anyone but God "Father" but then mentions that Abraham was called Father?
But God doesnt make mistakes...and then I remembered that parables have hidden meanings Mt 13:34. Ohh I get it, Abraham represents Father God. Ok so now I understood that we'd be studying about Abraham's family so that I can understand more about God's family.
Gen 15:4 is about Abraham speaking to God. He is old and age and wants to give his estate over to someone but has not children. So he is going to give his estate to Eliezer, his servant. But God tells him no, that a son coming from his own body will be his heir. But Abraham's wife Sarah, is barren. So she gives him her maidservannt, Hagar, and she conceives a child for him named Ishmael.Gen 16:15
Ok, so Ishmael will receive his estate..( Im starting to lose the whole point of this) But in Gen:18-20 God tells Abraham that Ishmael will not inherit the estate but God will cause Sarah to have a son Isaac and HE will be the heir. Im so confused, I thought in Israel the firstborn inherits everything...But obviously God wrote this for a reason. Why did God choose Isaac and not Ishmael?
Let's see...the only difference was that Ishmael was born from Hagar, a slave woman and Isaac came from Sarah a free women, also Abraham's wife. Hmm, why is the woman the decisive factor here? And what does this all have to do with me? These were the questions that ran through my head...
Then they reminded me that Abraham represents God, his estate represents God's estate better known as the Kingdom of Heaven. Wow, so basically this was showing me how I can enter the Kingdom of Heaven! Then what is the key factor that would allow me to receive God's estate? Gal 4:21:26 This speaks about Hagar and Sarah.....Gal 4:26 But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother. Whoaa...we have a Mother God? We have a Mother God! Also it clicked..If Abraham represents Father God, then his wife Sarah should represent Mother God! Because Isaac was born through Sarah, he was able to receive the inheritance. Although Ishmael was the firstborn, he could not. Then it is not Father God that determines if we can receive the Kingdom of Heaven but Mother God...
Gal 4:28 Now you brothers like Isaac, are children of promise. Then I realized we have to be like Isaac, children of the free woman, our Heavenly Mother, in order to receive eternal life.
So after that I found myself also saying "thank Father and Mother" who would have thought!
Christ AhnSahngHong really revealed all of the mysteries in the Bible, and even let us know the key factor to entering the kingdom of Heaven, Our Heavenly Mother!
So I thought this has got to be the most major study...I mean, this one was really intense and shocking but I heard something about studying Heavenly Wedding Banquet...Hmm, I wonder what that one is about? Till next time.....
Posted in:
Friday, November 9, 2007
8:07 PM
Yeah, it does exist. It is incredible, but amaizing. I never thought that God was male and female. But it is so clear. All throught the Bible you can find the existence of our Heavenly Mother. I give thanks and glory to our Heavenly Father Christ Ahnsahnghong because He showed to us our Mother.
It makes perfect sense to think God as male and female. God made men to have both images work together to create life on earth, then why not in Heaven? If God is Father, which everyone knows, then what about Mother. Keep studying the Bible and God Ahnsahnghong will give you the anwsers.
When I first started attending Bible studies, I remember that every lesson made me go "Wow!". I will never forget the feeling of learning the truth about Mother God and Christ Ahnsahnghong for the first time. I was shocked and a little upset that I had been lied to my entire life; but, now I am so thankful and happy that Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother New Jerusalem have shown themselves to me (Romans 14:21)!