After learning a little about Melchizedek, I couldn't stop thinking about it. So i came back the next day to learn the rest. So this time I wrote down the verses because I really wanted to know why they firmly believed AhnSahngHong was the second coming Christ.
I saw through the Bible that the One who fulfills the order of Melchizedek has to come from Korea because that was the only country that had no Jewish Blood. Even a history book backed it up saying that it was known as the "hermit Kingdom" they never let other blood mix with theirs. I also remember that he has to come from an unbeliever's home. Whats amazing is that the same night I had to leave, I had a history class and we watched a video. I learned that until recently Korea had three main religions: Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucism. Christ AhnSahngHong was born in 1918 when only these religions existed. Then his parents must not have been believers in God! Wow, ok then what about other men born in Korea at the time?
Here's when they showed me the sign which I was eagerly anticipating...Since Melchizedek blessed with Bread and Wine then second coming Christ has to bless with bread and wine..Then he has to bring Passover! No one in Korea or in the world brought Passover except for Christ AhnSahngHong. Wow! I guess he is really second coming Christ in the order of Melchizedek! But there was still one more verse. I thought, what else do I need to see? Ive never seen anything like this in the Bible before. Actually, many people don't even know who Melchizedek was!
Then they showed me Is 25:6-9:
On this mountain the Lord Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food and a banquet of aged wine-the best of meats and the finest of wines. On this mountain he will destroy the shroud that enfolds all peoples, the sheet that covers all nations; He will swallow up death forever. Is 25:9 In that day they will say, "surely this is our God."
Wait a minute...this verse is talking about God Almighty preparing the Passover. Jesus Christ brought Passover but 2,000 years ago so this cant be talking about Him because its talking about the last days. Then it dawned on me...Christ AhnSahngHong brought the Passover nowadays...Then he must be the LORD ALMIGHTY! Ok, now i know why they praise the name of Christ AhnSahngHong..Because he is GOD!
So then I asked what is tis mountain that Bible speaks of where God will prepare Passover? Then they told me that I needed to study Who Established Zion....all I can
say is I can't wait! I will definitely post my comments on that one....
I saw through the Bible that the One who fulfills the order of Melchizedek has to come from Korea because that was the only country that had no Jewish Blood. Even a history book backed it up saying that it was known as the "hermit Kingdom" they never let other blood mix with theirs. I also remember that he has to come from an unbeliever's home. Whats amazing is that the same night I had to leave, I had a history class and we watched a video. I learned that until recently Korea had three main religions: Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucism. Christ AhnSahngHong was born in 1918 when only these religions existed. Then his parents must not have been believers in God! Wow, ok then what about other men born in Korea at the time?
Here's when they showed me the sign which I was eagerly anticipating...Since Melchizedek blessed with Bread and Wine then second coming Christ has to bless with bread and wine..Then he has to bring Passover! No one in Korea or in the world brought Passover except for Christ AhnSahngHong. Wow! I guess he is really second coming Christ in the order of Melchizedek! But there was still one more verse. I thought, what else do I need to see? Ive never seen anything like this in the Bible before. Actually, many people don't even know who Melchizedek was!
Then they showed me Is 25:6-9:
On this mountain the Lord Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food and a banquet of aged wine-the best of meats and the finest of wines. On this mountain he will destroy the shroud that enfolds all peoples, the sheet that covers all nations; He will swallow up death forever. Is 25:9 In that day they will say, "surely this is our God."
Wait a minute...this verse is talking about God Almighty preparing the Passover. Jesus Christ brought Passover but 2,000 years ago so this cant be talking about Him because its talking about the last days. Then it dawned on me...Christ AhnSahngHong brought the Passover nowadays...Then he must be the LORD ALMIGHTY! Ok, now i know why they praise the name of Christ AhnSahngHong..Because he is GOD!
So then I asked what is tis mountain that Bible speaks of where God will prepare Passover? Then they told me that I needed to study Who Established Zion....all I can
say is I can't wait! I will definitely post my comments on that one....
Posted in:
Monday, November 5, 2007
8:47 PM
You know what? When I learn that Christ Ahnsahnghong fulfilled the prophecy of Melchizedek that was like: WOOOOW!!! It is amaizing, who can decide to born in those conditions just to fulfill the prophecies of the Bible. Only God can do that. It was like baby Jesus, also Ahnsahnghong has to go through all the same situations to testify that He is the Second coming Christ. Thank you Christ Ahnsahnghong
Cherub... I felt the same way when I learned about Melchizedek. I mean Bible says numerous times that Christ should come in the order of Melchizedek(Ref. Heb. 5:6-9,6:20,7:11) But 2000 yrs ago Christ at his 1st coming didnt fulfill Melchizedek prophecy. He postponed it so that we may recognize him when he returns 2nd time. and Jesus has returned with the new name Ahnsahnghong to bring light back into this world.